Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Join Governor Inslee's Climate Work Group in Spokane or Seattle

October 11, 2013

Contact:   Jaime Smith, Governor Inslee’s Communications Office  |  360.902.4136

ADVISORY: Governor Jay Inslee and climate work group hosting forums, seeking comment on ideas for reducing carbon emissions
Governor Jay Inslee passed legislation this year creating a Climate Legislative and Executive Workgroup (CLEW). CLEW members are tasked with identifying strategies for reducing carbon emissions in Washington and meeting statutory carbon reduction targets for 2020 and beyond.

Inslee and legislative members will be seeking public input on approaches to reducing Washington’s carbon emissions before drafting their recommendations. More information about CLEW’s work is available on Governor Inslee’s website.

When:           October 16 at 5:00pm
Where:          Music Auditorium at Spokane Falls Community College (Bldg. 15, Room 110) - 3410 West Ft George Wright Drive, Spokane

When:           October 23 at 6:00pm
Where:          Bell Harbor International Conference Center (2211 Alaskan Way, Seattle)

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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Join us this Thurs. Oct. 10th at 6 PM

Our regular monthly Green Caucus meeting is this Thursday, October 10 at 6 PM.  
Join our video/conference call from your own home, or come in person to WFSE Headquarters in Olympia, WA.  Meeting space is only available at the Spokane or Seattle Field Offices if we receive notice of your interest by Wednesday, October 9th during regular business hours.  
How to join from home:

1.) Visit the website https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/316291333 to start the videoconference.
***If you don't want to connect by video, skip below to just dial in by phone.***

2.) Dial +1 (267) 507-0004

3.) Enter the access code 316-291-333.

4.) If you've joined by video in step 1 above, enter the audio pin shown on your screen after joining the meeting.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Lean and Green Workshops Today

So excited about our workshops today at WFSE/AFSCME Council 28's convention in SeaTac.  We are honored to be joined by some very talented individuals with much to share.  Come check us out!  
LEAN AND GREEN: CROSSROADS OR CROSSHAIRSThe intersection of Lean & Green initiatives in state government and what it means to represented employees.
Cascade 10  |  1 pm & 3 pmPanel: Jim Wavada, Ecology; Darrell Damron, Results Washington; Renee Smith Nyberg, DES; and Julie Vanneste, Department of Corrections.

This workshop looks at the implementation of the Lean and Green initiatives currently being rolled out in state agencies. Panelist will explain what each of these initiatives is intended to accomplish.  We will explore some of the stereotypes and misconceptions attached to these initiatives.  As recognized experts at agency implementation of these initiatives,  our panelist will help us to explore how the rollouts of these initiatives are meant to affect represented employees at agencies where implementations are underway.  Attendees will be invited to participate in the discussion with their own insights on the issue.