Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Green Caucus Meets this Thurs. April 10

Join us for our regular monthly Green Caucus meeting this Thursday, April 10 at 6 PM.  
Join our video/conference call from your own home, or come in person to WFSE Headquarters in Olympia, WA.  


1. Planning for next 3 events (May 16, Oct. 3, and Jan. 2015)

2. Communicating with Green Caucus Members

3. Blue-Green Alliances

How to join from home:

1.) Visit the website https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/783430173 to start the videoconference.  ***If you don't want to connect by video, skip below to just dial in by phone.***
2.) Dial (312) 878-3078 from your phone.

3.) Enter the access code 783-430-173.

4.) If you've joined by video in step 1 above, enter the audio pin shown on your screen after joining the meeting. 

Kerry Graber & Lisa Randlette
Co-Chairs, WFSE/AFSCME Green Caucus