Wednesday, April 13, 2011

April Meeting Information

Hello Green Caucus!  We are on for a meeting Thursday April 14th at 5:30 pm by conference phone instead of video. WFSE is changing web conferencing vendors and is not ready to support us with a web meeting. We will therefore dial in and do our best by phone. Liz Larsen is our resource and she will send out (or append to this message) the numbers.
  • To join the meeting, call 1-866-921-2203 at 5:30 pm. To enter the room respond with *1651542* (include the stars).
The Headquarters, Spokane and Seattle offices will be open for members to join the call. Or join the meeting from your cell or home phone.

I look forward to hearing you all there!  Kerry


Dial in and introductions/welcome new members at 5:30 pm

Logistics planning for future caucus meetings

Subcommitee reports
  •    Convention planning
  •    Sustainable practices
  •    Political action and networking
  •    Delegate nominations for AFSCME political action conference in DC
  •    Planning for election of caucus officers/timing
Steward conference flyer/poster for green caucus?

7:00 pm.  Wrap up/action items