Thursday, July 11, 2013

Green Caucus July Meeting

Results from July Green Caucus meeting - Convention Planning

October 3, 4, 5, 2013 at the SeaTac Doubletree Hotel

Raise membership awareness about the Green Caucus
Recruit new members to the steering committee and the blog
Provide an educational workshop for delegates
Reduce waste during the convention

1.  Raise membership awareness about the Green Caucus

·        Green Caucus table
·        10 things bookmark into packets (with an ad for workshops)
·        Video loop at the table
·        Standing tri fold
·        Paper hand out tri fold on the table
·        Listserve sign-up sheet

2.  Recruit new members to the steering committee and the blog

Dan and Kerry will speak at the Exec Board about asking eboard members to recruit a bargaining unit or local rep for GC steering committee

3.  Provide an educational workshop for delegates

Working title is…Green: At Home and At Work
1 hour and 45 minutes, 2x on Friday
Jim, Dolores, and Kerry to work on outline Tues. July 16
Have to write up blurb for convention website

4.   Reduce waste during the convention

Sarah to check in with Emily and Pam H. about reducing paper packets and convention green package possibilities.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Good Jobs vs. Healthy Planet Discussion - Fri July 12

Good Jobs vs. Healthy Planet: Who profits when movements collide?  
Friday, July 12, 7pm  

A panel of union and environmental organizers frankly discuss why labor and eco-activists are often on opposite sides of the debates over coal trains, nuclear power and similar issues.  Join the discussion on how to unite these two movements around a workingclass approach to environmental sanity.    

Linda Anderson  Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 587 Executive Board officer and veteran bus driver. ATU advocates for mass transit and opposes the Keystone XL pipeline.  
Mark Drummond  Service Employees International Union, Local 925 member who has written articles and organized around the dangers of coal trains and climate change.  
Allison Ostrer  Interpreters United/Washington Federation of State Employees member, certified Spanish interpreter, and opponent of proposed coal trains.   

Affiliations listed for identification only.
 Friday, July 12, 7pm $3 door/students and strikers $1 • Snack plates $7 • Doors open 6:30pm   New Freeway Hall 5018 Rainier Ave. S., Seattle (On the #7 bus line and near the Columbia City light rail station) Wheelchair accessible Sponsor: Freedom Socialist Newspaper Proceeds benefit the FS June-September $100,000 Fund Drive   For more information: 206-722-2453, or visit the Facebook event. For childcare or to arrange work exchanges, please call two days ahead.

Meeting Thursday July 11 - Help Plan our Next Steps!

Our regular monthly Green Caucus meeting is this Thursday, July 11 at 6 PM.

Join our video/conference call from your own home, or come in person to WFSE Headquarters in Olympia, WA.  If you are interested in attending in-person at our Spokane Field Office, please let staff know asap by writing to sarahc [at] 
How to join from home:

1.) Visit the website: to start the videoconference.
***If you don't want to connect by video, skip below to just dial in by phone.***

2.) Dial 1 (805) 309-0012

3.) Enter the access code 565-042-965

4.) If you've joined by video in step 1 above, enter the audio pin shown on your screen after joining the meeting.
Join us as we plan a face to face meeting in September and for WFSE's convention in October!