Monday, December 10, 2012

Join us Jan 10!

Join our monthly Green Caucus meeting this Thursday, January 10 at 6 PM.


Come to either the WFSE Headquarters in Olympia or our Field Office in Spokane.


From Home: 
Participate in our videoconference.  Follow the instructions below:

2.)  Dial in using your telephone: 
Dial (619) 550-0003
Access Code:

Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting

Monday, November 26, 2012

Save State $ And Protect Our Parks!

Great news for Washington's Parks in today's Council 28's Hotline!  


    The Federation on Friday formally asked the state Parks Commission to reject plans to turn over management of Fort Worden State Park in Port Townsend and instead embrace the union’s alternative that would save $1.2 million and not sap further revenue from the cash-starved parks system.

    The Fort Worden Public Development Authority (FWPDA) wants to take over effective control of the historic battery, made famous as the setting for the 1982 Richard Gere movie, “An Officer and a Gentleman.”

    But among other “asks,” the PDA wants to skim off $250,000 of the $350,000 in annual camp fees at Fort Worden.

    The Federation, instead, proposes a plan that keeps the park under the commission’s control and makes the PDA a partner with the ability to do fundraising for upgrades to buildings that tenants now use.

    The Federation’s “Black Friday Memo” also identifies nine areas where the PDA’s business plan does not comply with a 2008 long-range plan. That’s required by the Legislature. The union will ask the Parks Commission at its Dec. 6 meeting in Monroe to declare the business plan out of compliance and allow employees to offer alternatives under state competitive contracting rules and the General Government Collective Bargaining Agreement.

    But first, on Nov. 29, the public will get a chance to comment on the PDA’s plans at a public meeting in Port Townsend.

    The Federation’s “Black Friday Memo” outlines savings of $1.2 million from what the PDA proposes. The union proposes increasing tenant rents by about 35 percent – but still well under market rates. And the Federation plan would bring all reservations for parks facilities under the commission; that would cut out the current wasteful practice where the tenants act as a third-party broker and sub-lease space they pay little or nothing for.

“Not only is the current deficit nearly eliminated in the first year, but a solid foundation for future increases in revenue is created that has a greater opportunity for success,” the Federation’s memo said.

    The union also saves by rejecting the PDA’s marketing plan, instead using parks staff. And the Federation would save $147,000 by upgrading the current computer reservation system rather than replacing it to the tune of $162,000, as proposed by the PDA.

    The Fort Worden Public Development Authority would also rely on state subsidies to operate.

    This flies in the face of current joint efforts by the commission and Federation to ask the Legislature for additional General Fund monies to smooth out the transition to the user-fee based Discover Pass system, which still is not bringing in the required revenue to make up for lost state funds.

    “The PDA plan is a drain on the parks system,” said Jeanine Livingston, the Federation’s contract compliance manager. “Parks have been cut beyond the bone. The PDA plan calls for a state subsidy that places the rest of the parks system in jeopardy. There could be additional layoffs, fewer year-round parks and parks closures. We can’t ask the Legislature for more money to cover the Discover Pass and then even more money to subsidize the PDA’s contracting out plan.”

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Check out all the photos from our awesome legislative breakfast Sept 30, 2012 in our facebook photo album.  Below attendees show off the DiscoverPass they each won during our Washington Green Facts Trivia game during breakfast.

Join our November Mtg

Join our regular monthly Green Caucus meeting this Thursday, November 8 at 6 PM.


In-person: Come to either the WFSE Headquarters in Olympia or our Field Office in Spokane.


From Home: Participate in our videoconference.  Follow the instructions below:

1.) Go to

2.) Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended.  Or, call in using your telephone.

Dial +1 (773) 897-3001
Access Code: 287-968-278
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting

Meeting ID: 287-968-278

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Green Caucus Mtg 10/11/2012

Join our monthly Green Caucus meeting this Thursday, October 11 at 6 PM.  

In-person: Come to either the WFSE Headquarters in Olympia or our Field Office in Spokane. 

From Home: You can also join from your home by participating in our videoconference.  Follow the instructions below:

1.  Please join my meeting, Thursday, October 11, 2012 at 6:00 PM.

2.  Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended.  Or, call in using your telephone.

      Dial: +1 (510) 201-0301
      Access Code: 579-910-102
      Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting
      Meeting ID: 579-910-102

      Not at your computer? Click the link to join this meeting from your iPhone®, iPad® or Android® device via the GoToMeeting app.

      (You can also use your microphone and speakers (VoIP), but please use a headset to prevent feedback noise.) 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Meeting this Thursday Sept 12!

Join our monthly Green Caucus meeting this Thursday, September 12 at 6 PM to help plan our exciting legislative breakfast coming up in a few weeks at the end of September!

Don't forget to RSVP for the breakfast.  RSVP online by clicking here.


In-person: Come to either the WFSE Headquarters in Olympia or our Field Office in Spokane. 

From Home: You can also join from your home by participating in our videoconference.  Follow the instructions below.
2.  Call in using your telephone.
Dial (636) 277-0131 
Access Code: 127-518-982  
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting 
Meeting ID: 127-518-982

(You can also use your microphone and speakers (VoIP), but please use a headset to prevent feedback noise.) 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Celebration of WFSE/AFSCME Green Jobs!

Join us for breakfast with Washington state legislators as we discuss how the jobs of WFSE/AFSCME Council 28 members are also green jobs within our communities. 

RSVP today to take advantage of this exciting opportunity!    

Travel assistance per WFSE/AFSCME Council 28 policy.  Registration closes 5 PM on Wednesday, September 19. 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Join us for our monthly mtg!

Join us for the regular monthly meeting of the Green Caucus this Thursday, July 12 at 6:00 pmThe WFSE HQ and Spokane Field offices will be open for caucus members to attend in person. You can also join our meeting by teleconference and video conference. See below for how to connect your video and audio from home.

1.) If you'd like to join via video-conference go to  Then follow the instructions below for dialing in using your telephone to get audio instead of using your computer's audio.  Please only use your computer audio if you have a headset as otherwise there can be a lot of feedback noise.

2.) Call in using your telephone:
Dial: 1 (267) 507-0001
Access Code: 936-766-014
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting


Planning for September face to face Green Caucus meeting!

  • planning sub-committee update
  • format for event
  • list of invitees
  • outreach!
  • logistics

Thursday, June 14, 2012

No meeting tonight!

There is  no meeting tonight, Thursday, June 14.

We held a special face-to-face meeting last week, so our teleconference meeting is cancelled for June. Do watch for our July meeting.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Join us June 10th to Meet Northwest Environmental Activists!

Panel Discussion with Northwest Environmental Activists

You are invited to attend a presentation/discussion with local northwest environmental groups as we discuss jobs and the environment, and find our common ground as union members on blue/green issues.

WHEN: June 10, 2012 (Sunday after WFSE Policy)

WHERE: SeaTac Doubletree Hotel 

WHEN: 9am – 3pm (Lunch provided)

Contact Sarah Clifthorne at (360) 352-7603 or sarah [at] to RSVP!

This event is sponsored by the Green Caucus, an interest group formed by the Council 28 Executive Board. Attendees are eligible for travel reimbursement.  Reimbursements are subject to the Council 28 travel policy ( > Council 28 > Council 28 Member Expense Form.

Contact Emily Roberts at 800-562-6002 or emilyr [at] for hotel or flight arrangements.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Join us at our May Meeting

Join us for the regular monthly meeting of the Green Caucus this Thursday, May 10 at 6:00 pm. The WFSE HQ and Spokane Field offices will be open for caucus members to attend in person. You can also join our meeting by teleconference and video conference. Contact sarahc [at] to get info on how to join by video or phone.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Sharing our Stories

Last weekend was the 2012 Communicators Conference where members of the Washington Federation of State Employees committed to telling their stories -- and the stories of the people they save every day. We are people who work for you everyday, but you may not know the difference we make in your lives.

Our own green caucus members Michele Stelovich (Local 1060 - DSHS), Dan Patruso (Local 1221 - DSHS) and Dolores Mitchell (Local 443 - Dept of Ecology) start at the 2:24 mark.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Save the Dates! Save the Dates!

At our meeting tonight we tentatively scheduled three face to face meetings over the next 9 months.  Please mark your calendars to save the date.  More details to come!

Sunday, June 10
Sunday, September 30
Sunday, January 13, 2013

These gatherings are in addition to our regular monthly meetings on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 6 PM.  Join us in-person in Olympia and Spokane Council 28 offices, or by tele/video conference from wherever you happen to be!  Sign up for our mailing list to learn how to join our meetings by telephone or video.

Agenda for Meeting Tonight!

Join us tonight for our regular meeting on the 2nd Thursday of the month!
Our tentative agenda includes:
* Approval of March 2012 Minutes
* Legislative report
* Green investing report from LPA
* Upcoming conferences and events
* Next face to face Green Caucus meeting (planning & scheduling)
* Communications - migrating from blog to website

Friday, March 30, 2012

Governor Signs Two Discover Pass Bills

Today, Friday, March 30, 2012, Governor Gregoire signed two bills affecting the Discover Pass, the new user-fee based funding source for state parks that began last year. 

E2SHB 2373 now allows Discover Passes to be used on more than one vehicle.  SHB 6387 directs funds generated from Discover Pass fines from counties to the state parks instead.

Supporters of both bills hope these reforms will boost sales, and generate additional funding to stop further cuts or closures to state parks. 

Learn more about supporting state parks by purchasing a Discover Pass here.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

GoGreen Seattle - April 25th 2012

Don't miss this upcoming conference in Seattle for business professionals on how to make your business more sustainable.  Learn more by visiting their website here

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Bothell Reporter recently posted an article about the go-green campaigns underway at the University of Washington, Bothell (UWB) and Cascadia Community College (CCC). 

While the article doesn't mention this, we know the incredible efforts of our WFSE/AFSCME Council 28 maintenance, grounds, and custodial members are what help make these truly Green and Sustainable Campuses!

On February 23, 2012 the House Capital Budget Committee held a public hearing on ESSB 6211 regarding hazardous waste sites.  Check out testimony from many stakeholders in the clip below.  Our own Kerry Graber  begins at the 8:12 mark.

Friday, February 10, 2012

There's a Good Jobs Green Jobs Regional Conference coming up in Los Angeles on March 15-16.  Check out their exciting agenda and learn more here.  Additional conferences are planned this spring in Atlanta, Philadelphia, and Detroit.  Talk to your Local about the possibility of getting funding to attend one of these educational conferences.  Even if you can't go in person, join in the conversation surrounding the conference, and get green jobs news and updates by following @gjgjconference on twitter and the hashtag #gjgj2012.
On February 6 the Senate Ways & Means Committee held a public hearing on SB 6211.  Our own Kerry Graber testified on behalf of WFSE/AFSCME Council 28 and our Green Caucus.  Read more about SB 6211 here.  Watch complete testimony on SB 6211, including Kerry's testimony, below.

Kerry's testimony starts at the 48:25 mark and goes until 50:08.
Green Caucus members Dan and Kerry appeared in WFSE/AFSCME Council 28's monthly TV program, Our View!  Check it out.  Spread the word.  Join our Green Caucus!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Hello GC members.

We have a meeting scheduled for Thursday, (tomorrow). Those of you in Olympia please join us on the third floor conference room at the WFSE HQ building.

We will have a presentation and proposal on green investment of our pension funds.

We will have a legislative update on the current session, including two bills of interest we are tracking. (See links below to the bill information for your reference.)  Included in this discussion will be a download from the GC lobby day Jan 24.

We have a recycling issue to discuss on our "walking our talk" efforts.

Finally we hope to have more info to share about the green jobs conference in California.

If time allows we will talk more about networking and outreach.

Please let me know if you have any additional agenda items to add.

I look forward to our meeting!

Kerry Graber, vice chair 

Bills of interest: 
SB 6211:

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Discover Pass in the Legislature

Excerpted from WFSE/AFSCME Council 28's 2/1/2012 HOTLINE by Tim Welch:

• At the same Senate hearing, the committee voted out SB 6387 that would help in the enforcement of the Discover Pass to fund state parks. Fines for a lack of a Discover Pass would go not to counties but to the state fund for parks. The bill now goes to the Senate Ways and Means Committee.

• The House General Government Appropriations and Oversight Committee on Wednesday morning continued its hearing on two House Discover Pass bills and took up the bill passed by the Senate (SSB 5977) that would allow transfer of a Discover Pass to another vehicle. (It’s the same as HB 2153 heard by the committee last week.) The Parks Commission and other advocates urged the committee to settle on SSB 5977 as the cleanest and quickest short-term fix because every month that goes by, the parks shortfall grows. Committee Chair Rep. Zack Hudgins of the 11th District said he hopes to have a consensus Discover Pass bill by Friday."

Friday, January 27, 2012

Green Caucus takes message to Olympia

Excerpted from WFSE/AFSCME Council 28's HOTLINE by Tim Welch:


    Wednesday was the lobby day in Olympia for the Federation’s Green Caucus and their members made a splash on two environmental bills up for hearings that day.

    SB 6406 would, among other things, charge for hydraulic project approvals – permits for projects affecting water. But it would also change key parts of this state’s environmental keystone, the State Environmental Policy 
Act (SEPA).

    That’s a concern, two of the Federation’s Green Caucus members told the Senate Energy, Natural Resources and Marine Waters Committee.

    “I support the concept of more revenue for important programs,” said Kerry Graber, a Local 443 members with the Department of Ecology in Lacey.

    But, she added, “We do have concerns about the changes to SEPA and the changes to citizen access. I think it’s a union value and a public service value that a citizen should have as much access to information.”

    Bellingham Local 1060 DSHS Green Caucus member Michele Stelovich echoed Graber’s concerns.

    “Our ability to participate in our growth management and how our waters are cleaned up is essential to our communities,” Stelovich told the senators.

    In the second Green Caucus committee appearance of the day, Graber and another Local 443 Ecology member, Dolores Mitchell, urged caution on SB 6211 to speed up cleanup of hazardous waste sites.

    The bill came before the Senate Environment Committee.

    “As a citizen, I ask that you not change the Model Toxics Control Act without a citizen referendum, particularly changes to the liability issues,” Mitchell testified. “Liability release leaves the public without protections against inadequate cleanups and no recourse in the event of human and environmental health harms that result. Particularly, it lets the polluters off the hook.”

    “We have exemplary public servants who work really hard to speed these cleanups along as quickly as possible…,” Graber said.

    “We feel that placing that important decision of when something is cleaned up into the hands of a consultant whose motives may be profit or solely the client’s interest instead of the public interest is a real shift in policy.”

Nicole Foss to Speak this Sat Jan 28 at 7 PM

Nicole Foss: "Roadmap for the Coming Years of Crisis"
Saturday 28 Jan 7:00 pm

Nicole Foss, internationally recognized speaker on energy, finance, and psychology, presents an informative evening at the Olympia Friends Meeting House, 3201 Boston Harbor Road NE, from 7 to 9 PM on January 28, 2012

Tickets $10-25 sliding scale; no one turned away for lack of funds.  Sponsored by the Green Party of Washington State.

Ms. Foss will speak on how to prepare for peak oil, climate change, the current financial crisis, and the increasingly imminent general collapse of imperial capitalism, aka corporate globalism.  Ms. Foss says that localized, self-reliant communities will give us not only economic resilience but inner strength as well.  This looks to be a fun, as well as informative, presentation. 

Nicole Foss is an international energy and finance expert, and co-editor of blog. Formerly, she was a Research Fellow at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies where she specialized in nuclear safety in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, she conducted research into electricity policy at the EU level, and is former editor of The Oil Drum - Canada. Ms. Foss is an internationally known speaker on the subject of Peak Oil and the collapse of the global financial system.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

DuPont gravel mine settlement agreement gets final approval

Here's a small victory for public employee unions in the environmental field: announcement from Governor's Office today (1/26/2012)

Ecology and three other parties announced today that an accord has been reached on a settlement agreement regarding DuPont gravel mining and watershed-shoreline protection.
The city of DuPont, Ecology, CalPortland Co., and a broad-based environmental coalition put together the agreement allowing CalPortland to seek new mining permits in the area while protecting the nearby Puget Sound shoreline and paying to restore Sequalitchew Creek. The DuPont City Council voted to authorize the agreement Tuesday night. This was the final step needed to ratify the DuPont Settlement Agreement, negotiated over a three-year period ending in 2011.

The environmental coalition includes Nisqually Delta Association, the Washington Environmental Council, People for Puget Sound, the Anderson Island Quality of Life Committee, and the Tahoma and Black Hills and Seattle Audubon societies. The company is seeking permits to expand mining into some 350 adjacent acres from the existing mine site. The negotiations involve a 1994 agreement that settled two decades of environmental disputes and appeals of shoreline development plans by creating a new vision for the shoreline’s use and protection and agreeing to a location for a dock to ship mining products. Mining began in 1997.

CalPortland predicts this agreement will help preserve approximately 60 union positions. Another 40 jobs lost during the economic downturn also could be eventually restored. In addition, the activities envisioned by the settlement agreement are likely to provide hundreds of hours of work for environmental engineers, consultants and contractors. This agreement does not approve or authorize any new mining. Both the restoration plan and any mining proposal will undergo the normal review processes, including opportunities for public input. This continuation of the 1994 settlement agreement includes preservation of 45 acres of Puget Sound shore lands and adjacent open space as well as improving flows in Sequalitchew Creek – both of which will help restore South Puget Sound. Recent studies also show that even modest increases in the water flowing through the creek would dramatically improve access to, and quality of, its fish habitat.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Draft Dec. 8th Minutes

WFSE Council 28 Green Caucus
Dec. 8, 2011

Legislative Reports:

• Alia Griffing, Matt Zupich and Bob Overturf met with Sen. Ranker on Monday, Dec. 5, 2011 and discussed issues of concern to the Green Caucus.

• Kerry Graber reported on the issue emerging regarding hydraulic permits and defense of the Model Toxics Control Account.
• Alia has produced and distributed an environmental priorities list and would like our input on it.
• Discover Pass - There appears to be strong support for a change to the law authorizing the Discover Pass to allow it to be used on up to two vehicles per household. Alia will track this and put results on the blog.
• There is a lobbying training on Jan. 7, 2011 at the Machinists Union Hall in South Seattle. There will be a keynote speaker and role playing with legislators who are volunteering their time to participate.
• There is a Green Caucus Lobby Day scheduled for Jan. 25th. A Green Caucus face-to-face meeting on the evening of the 24th is a possibility.
• Gerry Pollet of King County has been appointed to the late Sen. White’s seat after he passed away unexpectedly. Paulette was previously affiliated with Heart of America Northwest.
• Kerry proposed that Climate Solutions be given a half hour at the start of our Jan. 12th meeting. The group agreed to allocate that time to Climate Solutions.
• Alia Griffing reported on the activities of a group of conservative Democrats in the state s
Senate who are called the Roadkill Caucus, and are known for blocking adoption of Progressive, pro-labor legislation.
• The group discussed the need to organize a group of volunteers from our group who would track bills as they move through the legislative process. The group agreed this would be a good idea.
• Jim Wavada reported on outreach efforts to Spokane Alliance, and on efforts to develop a template Lunch and Learn presentation that would introduce all of the WFSE caucuses and special groups to listeners, including the Green Caucus.
• Morton Alexander asked about our commitment to engage with other community organizations in the coal port controversy in Bellingham. He believes we should at least be gathering information and tracking the progress of that situation. Leigh Malinda asked that we invite Jeff Johnson from one of the labor unions in favor of the port siting as well as one of the community opponents

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Register now for meeting and lobby day

The Green Caucus will hold an in-person meeting in Olympia on January 24 and is participating in Lobby Day on January 25

Tuesday, Jan. 24th — Green Caucus meeting at WFSE Headquarters
  • Legislative Roundtable (6-7pm) Legislators are invited  to join us for a bite to eat & chat about the budget and policy issues.
  • Progress Alliance of Washington (7-8pm)

    RVSP required - contact Pam Herrick at 800-562-6002 to RSVP so a meal can be ordered for you. If you require travel or accommodations, contact Emily Roberts at 800-562-6002.
Wednesday, Jan. 25th — Green Caucus Lobby Day - WFSE Headquarters
  • Check-in and Legislative Briefing (9 am)
  • Visits with Legislators

    REGISTRATION required - contact Diana Whitmore at 800-562-6002 or register online here so appointments can made in advance.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Green Caucus Meeting Jan. 12

This is a very important meeting for the Caucus, helping up to set our agenda for what promises to be one of the most challenging years ever for state workers and those who seek to protect the natural environment in an all-cuts budget environment.  We will need you help.
The meeting begins at 6 pm.

The agenda for the January 2012 Green Caucus meeting appears below, following the webconference details. To join the meeting via webconference, please use the information below to join us on Go To Meeting.
  1. Please join my meeting, Thursday, January 12, 2012 at 6:00 PM Pacific Standard Time. .
  2. Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended.  Or, call in using your telephone.

    Dial +1 (805) 309-0011
    Access Code: 416-968-062
    Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting

    Meeting ID: 416-968-062

WFSE Council 28 Green Caucus
Thursday, Jan. 12, 2012
6:00 – 7:30 PM
NOTE:  Co-chair Bob Overturf is not able to attend this meeting.
  • Roll call and call to order – Kerry Graber
  • Review and approval of minutes. – Jim Wavada
  • Committee Reports – Kerry Graber
  • Old Business:
    • Draft agenda for Jan. 24, 2012 face-to-face meeting of Green Caucus  -- Kerry Graber
      • Guest organization per our decision to invite potential partner organizations to present their organizations to us.  Who should we select?
      • Top issues of concern for 2012
    • Logistics for Jan. 24 meeting, and Jan. 25 Lobby Day – Liz Larsen
    • Report on planning for Lobby Day on Jan. 25th.  – Alia Griffing
  • Report on Lobby Training, Jan. 7th
  • Report on upcoming Legislative session and how we can help  -- Alia Griffing
  • Roundtable: Any local or state issues that Caucus members would like to report --All
  • Update on action items from previous meeting, new action items – Kerry Graber