Monday, January 13, 2014

Save the Date! Green Caucus Lobby Day 2/6/2014

Join us for our second annual Green Caucus Lobby Day!  We are gathering together to share our priorities and concerns with legislators in Olympia on Thursday, February 6.

Register online at or contact our LPA department at 800-562-6002. 

Airfare or mileage are covered by LPA.  Lunch and snacks are provided. 

We now offer convenient travel planning online!

WEC focuses on Big Oil & Safety Standards for Oil Spills

The Washington Environmental Council has posted their 2014 legislative priorities.  Check them out here:

During this short 60-day session which begins today, they are focusing on 2 key priorities: closing a tax loophole that benefits Big Oil and passing the Oil Spill Prevention Act to put safety standards in place to reduce the risks associated with moving oil through our state and along our coasts.

Visit their website to learn more about what their efforts.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Join us this Thurs. Jan. 9th

We need your input this Thursday as we make our plans for 2014. Join us for our regular monthly Green Caucus meeting this Thursday, January 9 at 6 PM.  

Agenda items include our 2014 lobby day (February 26) and both the failed climate resolution and the passed Big Green Machine proposal from the recent WFSE convention in October.

Join our video/conference call from your own home, or come in person to WFSE Headquarters in Olympia, WA.  Meeting space is also available at the Spokane or Seattle Field Offices if we receive notice of your interest before Wednesday, January 8th at 5 PM.  
How to join from home:

1.) Visit the website to start the videoconference.
***If you don't want to connect by video, skip below to just dial in by phone.***

2.) Dial (619) 550-0004 from your phone.

3.) Enter the access code 513-444-325.

4.) If you've joined by video in step 1 above, enter the audio pin shown on your screen after joining the meeting.

Kerry Graber & Lisa Randlette
Co-Chairs, Green Caucus

Friday, January 3, 2014

AFSCME and the Environment

Wondering what AFSCME's position is on various environmental issues?  Check out their website's environmental section.

We've added this link under "more resources" to the right so you can quickly navigate there in the future as well!