Friday, May 13, 2011

Green Caucus Minutes - 4/14/11

Meeting Logistics:

The group decided that it is not necessary to use videoconferencing for every meeting. Many meetings can be done with telephone conference calling, as was this meeting. Other options discussed included using Go To Meeting ™ or Webinar services, particularly when the group is working on document drafts.

The group also decided to move meeting start times back to 6:00 PM, beginning with the next meeting on May 12. Regular meeting date will be the second Thursday of each month.

Anyone wishing to add items to the next meeting agenda should send an email request to add the item to that agenda by the Tuesday prior to the meeting to Liz Larsen,, at the WFSE HQ office AND to Kerry Graber at

Convention Planning:

Debbie Haigh was not available to report on convention planning. Jim Wavada reported that the Convention Center in Spokane does have a “green conference” package that includes recycling and other sustainable practices. He believes it actually cost less than normal food and meeting room services. Jim will work with Debbie Haigh and Laura Reisdorf to determine if the current contract for the convention will allow a change to a green conference package.

Sustainable Practices:

First task is to define what sustainability is in the context of union operations. John Miller reported that some initial steps are being taken. Disposable water bottles will no longer be provided at Council 28 meetings. Kerry Graber reported the Women’s Committee will stop making multiple print copies of meeting materials, relying instead on computers and projectors.

John Miller and Jim Wavada encouraged the group to consider having a comprehensive sustainability audit of WFSE Council 28 done to establish a starting point and identify and prioritize opportunities to introduce more sustainable practices to the union in all of its locations and practices. Jim Wavada knows a professional who is qualified to perform sustainability audits and help organizations draft sustainability management systems. He will refer this person to John Miller for follow-up.

Political Action and Networking:

Stan Leja is putting together an issues list as a starting point for a list of Green Caucus recommended actions. Green Caucus should be able to look at this list by next meeting. Priority will be given to identifying which items resonate most with members.

Group decided to try to have permanent officers elected by this summer. Right now the officers are President, Vice President and Secretary. The group decided we need to determine if we even have the authority to elect officers, or whether the bylaws call for these officers to be appointed to the President of Council 28. If there is an option for elections to these offices, we decided to consult with the Conservative Caucus about the proper process for electing officers.

The Council has authorized three Green Caucus delegates for the June 5-8 AFSCME Political Action Caucus in Washington, D.C. Several members of the group expressed an interest in being named a delegate to the national caucus. Kerry Graber reported that Local 443 authorized travel for an additional two delegates representing the Green Caucus. Graber will investigate what the process is for requesting to be a delegate and for naming delegates and relay that information back to all members of the Green Caucus.

Other Business:

The group agreed we should have a presence (at least a table with handouts) at the May 19-21 Council 28 Stewards Conference. John Miller agreed to talk to the organizers of the Steward Conference about a Green Caucus presence at the Stewards Conference in May.

Attendance was very low at this meeting. Members agreed to redouble their efforts to increase participation at the next meeting, 6:00 PM May 12th. Liz Larsen will investigate the best technology to use for the next meeting.

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